How to Get in Shape Quickly and Safely: 4-Step Beginner Guide

This comprehensive guide outlines a step-by-step strategy to help you begin your journey to weight loss and improved health right now.

I understand you may have numerous questions, and I assure you that I will address each and every one of them (yes, even that one).

These precise strategies are customized for every individual enrolled in our 1-on-1 personal trainer Scarborough, and I’m thrilled to disclose them to you today.

In this guide we’ll discuss:

  • Step #1: WHY you want to get in shape (Inspiration)
  • Step #2: HOW to eat (Nutrition)
  • Step #3: WHAT to do for exercise (Move!)
  • Step #4: WHO belongs on your Squad (Support)
  • Real Talk: How quickly can I get in shape? (The Truth)

Step 1: WHY Do You Want to Get In Shape? (Inspiration)

Let’s begin right here: WHY are you consulting this guide?

Are you aiming to get in shape to:

  • Embark on the dating scene again?
  • Triumph in a weight loss competition at your workplace?
  • Partake in activities with your newborn son?
  • Age gracefully with your significant other?
  • Prove the naysayers wrong who doubted your abilities?
  • Simply feel more confident in your own skin?

Have a compelling reason, my friend!

Jot it down, display it prominently in your room, engrave it in your thoughts, or write it on a piece of paper and affix it to your forehead.

However you choose to do it, make sure that reason for seeking an improved life is always at the forefront of your mind.

In our 1-on-1 Coaching Program, we refer to this as “Your Big Why.”

This purpose will drive you forward when the going gets tough, be it during bad weather, fatigue, or after a challenging day at work when you just want to binge-watch your favorite show and order takeout.

Apart from having a strong reason, many individuals find inspiration in the success stories of people similar to them.

Fortunately for you, we have a plethora of these stories, with many more to come. These are real individuals who share a love for video games and books while working regular desk jobs:


Mary found her perfect workout.


Jeniffer followed the paleo diet.


The doctor who prioritized health


Perhaps success stories aren’t what resonate with you.

That’s completely understandable.

Maybe you draw inspiration from slightly geekier sources, like articles related to your favorite narratives:

  • Indiana Jones
  • The Lord of the Rings
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Hunger Games
  • Assassin’s Creed
  • Star Wars
  • The Matrix

Or perhaps you’re a fan of videos!

Well then, videos like these might just motivate you to break through barriers.

Here’s a video that emphasizes, ‘When your desire for success is as strong as your need to breathe, that’s when you’ll achieve success.’

Some advice from the Terminator might also kickstart your motivation:

You may find yourself moved to tears of inspiration by this one:

This article will ignite the desire to commence strength training today.

Why emphasize inspiration and motivation?

Because achieving a fit physique is never a walk in the park.

The initial week, when enthusiasm is high, feels enjoyable.

It’s the days with bad weather, hectic work schedules, or low motivation when you DON’T feel like working out that truly determine if you’ll achieve your fitness goals.


You can start building the habit of exercise

Unless you can summon the discipline to persevere through those challenging days, surrendering at the slightest obstacle becomes increasingly tempting.

And the key principle is ‘consistent dedication.’

In simpler terms, it means not missing a workout and maintaining a steady, healthy diet.

Step 2: How to Eat (Nutrition)

The right diet is a surefire way to success

If you’re aiming for a quick fitness transformation, start by making incremental improvements in your dietary choices!

Approximately 80% of your success in achieving better health is linked to your diet. Unless you’re engaged in daily marathons, you can’t outrun the impact of your eating habits, and exercise alone can’t compensate for an unhealthy diet.

If you’re not seeing weight loss progress, it’s likely due to excessive calorie intake!

In essence, if you’re struggling with weight loss, it’s likely due to overeating. Low-quality food choices can be a culprit too. Therefore, making slightly better food choices and filling your plate with ample protein and vegetables can help you avoid calorie overconsumption.

Whether you opt to track your caloric intake, eliminate certain foods, or try an entirely new diet, this step is paramount.

For many, maintaining nutritional changes is a challenge because they attempt too many changes simultaneously, causing discomfort and a retreat to their comfort foods.

While options like the Keto Diet or Paleo Diet exist, highly restrictive diets are challenging to sustain long-term.

Remember, temporary changes yield temporary results!

Achieving fitness goals necessitates persevering even when motivation is lacking.

My recommendation? Adopt one dietary change every few weeks and commit to it.


  • Reducing daily calorie intake.
  • Switching to diet beverages.
  • Increasing vegetable consumption.
  • Preparing your own meal at least once a week.

These minor changes can culminate in substantial successes over time.

I understand that altering your diet can feel overwhelming at times, and maintaining changes in the long run can be difficult.

Step 3: What to Do For Exercise (Move!)

Alright, so you’re all hyped up and motivated, thinking.

Great. Let’s kick things off.

A) Set SMART Goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely).

Be highly specific with your goals so you can plan actionable steps to achieve them:

“I’m committed to shedding 25 pounds this year by hitting the gym thrice a week for the next six months.”

That’s a solid goal.

Alternatively, you can work on developing a recurring habit that indirectly supports your goal.

EXAMPLE: “I’m aiming to walk to Mordor by walking a mile every day for a month. Each walk is a win.”

This approach lets you review your day/week with a straightforward question: “Did I do what I set out to do?”

Whichever method you choose, being intentional in your actions is crucial:

  • If you’re setting goals – be EXTREMELY SPECIFIC, jot them down, and plan them meticulously.
  • If you’re forming new habits – integrate them into your calendar, set phone reminders or alerts, and stick to them EVERY DAY.
  • Realize that Rome wasn’t built in a day, and Optimus Prime didn’t transform in one move. This isn’t a quick-fix diet; it’s a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. Don’t expect immediate results or abs in a fortnight. It’s about steady, consistent progress.

Next, let’s move on to…

B) Recognize Your Weaknesses (Your Kryptonite).

Recall the last time(s) you tried to get fit and shed some pounds.

  • How successful were you?
  • How long did you stay committed?
  • What caused you to fall off the wagon?
  • If you didn’t succeed, congrats!

You already know which approach to “get in shape” doesn’t work for you.

It’s simply the wrong piece of the puzzle you’re trying to solve.

Achieving fitness is like solving a puzzle.

Getting in shape is like solving a puzzle.

They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

So unless you enjoy not seeing results, don’t attempt to get in shape the same way you did last time…it WON’T work!

If you tracked calories, pounded the treadmill, and did kickboxing, and you’re not satisfied with the outcomes, it’s time to try something new.

Ask yourself:

  • Did work become too hectic, or did you go on vacation?
  • Was it because you genuinely disliked exercising?

Whatever the reason, this time, you need to adopt a different strategy.

C) Engage in an Activity that Brings You Joy and Do It Frequently.

  • Do you enjoy running? Fantastic, go for it (just do it correctly).
  • Do you like lifting weights? Excellent, ensure your workouts are effective.
  • Perhaps you fancy yoga, dodgeball, Ultimate Frisbee, rock climbing, or something else!

If you tell me, “I don’t like to exercise,” then you simply haven’t discovered the activity that brings you joy yet.

We’re genetically designed to stay active, so find something you genuinely enjoy doing.

The initiation of a new activity, even a dietary change, can be incredibly exciting.

So, if you “dislike exercise,” it’s time to experiment with new activities until you find something that resonates with you.

Enroll in a new class, join your company’s running club for a day, try out something at home, just keep experimenting with different activities until you find one you like.

And then, engage in it as frequently as possible. As long as you consistently stay below your daily caloric energy expenditure, you’ll lose weight.

D) Elevate Your Progress and Develop a Strong Physique.

This robot knows strength training will help him gain muscle and lose weight.

And last but not least, educate yourself on how to get stronger.

Getting stronger is one of the MOST effective ways to shed weight and get in shape.

Your body processes calories differently when you engage in strength training compared to other forms of exercise.

To summarize…


  • Identify your goals or the habits you want to cultivate.
  • Understand why your previous attempts didn’t yield the desired results.
  • Choose an enjoyable exercise that brings you happiness and engage in it regularly.
  • Strive to be stronger than you were the day before.

If the idea of getting in shape feels overwhelming, I understand.

From bootcamps to “What is CrossFit” to Weight Watchers to paleo to vegan to Klingon, it’s challenging to decipher all this information to find the perfect approach.

The reality is, there’s no single path that suits everyone.

So, if you’re seeking a coach to design a workout program and diet plan tailored to YOUR specific circumstances, explore our 1-on-1 Online Coaching Program.

Step 4: Who is On Your Squad? (Support)

Lastly, you’ll need support.

Sure, it might seem thrilling to be a lone ranger on a mission to conquer insurmountable odds, but it’s not a necessity.

Once you commit to getting in shape, do you want to know a foolproof way to ensure success?


1) Make it public.

  • Share your goals with friends, start a blog, or inform your co-workers and ask them to hold you accountable!
  • Unless you enjoy being labeled a quitter, you’ll likely think twice about skipping your workouts.
  • Maybe your word isn’t enough motivation, and you need a different type of encouragement and support to succeed.

2) Make a financial commitment.

My friend, Jeff, pledged to pay his friends $500 if he didn’t achieve incredible fitness for his wedding in six months.
Saint couldn’t afford to lose $500, so he opted to get in fantastic shape instead…and it worked.

Saint made a bet with a friend that he would get a six-pack.

3) Form your own King Arthur’s Round Table.

Connect with individuals who are:

  • Stronger than you and work out with them.
  • Faster than you and run with them.
  • More knowledgeable than you and seek their advice.

These are people you can turn to when you need guidance or assistance. If you don’t know anyone in real life, keep reading…

4) Find a workout partner, hire a trainer, or get a coach!

There will be days when you’d rather sleep in and skip your workout. There will be afternoons following a tough workday where all you want to do is play Halo.
Find someone at a similar fitness level as you and work out together!

He or she will motivate you on those dragging days, and vice versa.

You can inspire and support each other, celebrate each other’s achievements, and provide tough love when the complaints start (and yes, there will be complaints).
Now, let’s say you’re the ONLY one among your friends who wants to get in shape.

Or you’re the sole person in your office not indulging in unhealthy snacks every day. Perhaps you have no one to turn to for support or advice…

Well, personal trainers carborough got you covered:

I’ve never been more thrilled and proud to be part of a community.

Or if you want to take it up a notch…

5) Join our coaching program: If you resonate with our philosophy, consider enlisting one of our nerdy trainers to hold you accountable and address any queries you may have.

I’ve been working with an online trainer for over 4 years now, and it’s the best investment I make each month.

Real Talk: How Quickly can I get in Shape? How Fast Can I lose Weight?

Today marks the beginning of a new phase in your life.

Select a goal you aim to achieve in the next 30 days and initiate the journey toward it.

Keep it clear and straightforward, then take that first step today.

But I understand your next question:

“How quickly can I get into shape?”

Let me give you a concise, honest response:

If you start reducing your calorie intake (80% of the equation) and increasing your physical activity (20% of the equation), you can expect to lose approximately 1-2 pounds per week in a safe manner.

I’m aware of extreme diets like the Military Diet claiming “Lose 10 pounds in 7 days!” But don’t be swayed.

Temporary changes yield temporary results!

Our objective is for you to be slightly healthier today than you were yesterday.

And then even healthier and happier next year compared to this year.

This implies you should be thinking in terms of Years and Days, not just weeks and months:

Instead of asking “How fast can I shed weight?” ask “What do I need to do now to develop the right habits so they become second nature later?”

  • Do a few push-ups.
  • Take a walk.
  • Consume a vegetable.

Join the Rebellion – commence enhancing your nutrition with small changes today.

If you’ve just completed reading these 2,500 words and you still feel overwhelmed, you’re not alone!

This can be overwhelming for the best of us. If you’re seeking more hands-on guidance or genuinely desire the assurance that you’re following the correct program, I’ve got you covered!

As you establish the habit, you can gradually increase the level of ‘challenge’ and attempt something a bit more demanding, but it all commences with habit formation.

Educate yourself, find your inspiration, and create your support network.